Categorie : Mobile

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Hoe maak je een mobiele website
Dated Wednesday August 21, 2013; comments

In the online tool for creating mobile websites (opens in a new tab) you can design your own mobile website. Using the options in the left menu, you can change the lay-out, color, title and other design options and features. Using the second tab you create a welcome / flash screen with your logo. When a option in the left menu is adjusted, the example will display the changed design.

Google: toon mobiele websites binnen 1 seconde
Dated Tuesday August 20, 2013; comments

One second.     That is how long it took you to read those two first words. And that is how long it should take to load website on mobile according to Google.

Recently Google published its new guidelines for websites on mobile. There advice is to load a website on a mobile device within one second. This refers only to the, so called, above the folled section of your mobile website. This is the part that is directly visible on your mobile device. The remaining part of the website can take longer to load.

Waarom en wanneer een mobiele website / webapp
Dated Sunday August 18, 2013; comments

Mobile websites and webapps are growing in popularity. It's no wonder you starting to wonder if you should have a mobile version of you website yourself. But when is it a good time to start with a mobile website and when is it simply money ill spend?

Moet Google over op webapps?
Dated Friday August 16, 2013; comments

The App Store and the Google Play Store have surpased the magic number of a 50 billion downloaded apps. Having over 1.000.000 apps might have helped achieving that goal.

Tips voor de juiste samenstelling van een mobiele website
Dated Wednesday August 14, 2013; comments

The mobile version of a website is used differently then a regular website. Mobile visitors are more action oriented, and use the website in order to complete the task they are working on. For instance finding the route to the owner of the website or contacting them. The content of the website should focus on this type of use.

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create a mobile website online

Did you know that next to writing blogs we also offer an online tool to create mobile websites online?

Try it now: design your own mobile website

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