Mobile 2011: een overzicht van de belangrijkste blogs, discussies en reviews

Dated Tuesday December 27, 2011

Mobile 2011: een overzicht van de belangrijkste blogs, discussies en reviews

2011 is een turbulent jaar geweest omtrent het ontwerp mobile. HTML 5 ontwikkelde zich in een rap tempo en gaf mobile websites steeds meer mogelijkheden. Dit gaf op zijn beurt weer de discussie tussen native apps en webapps een nieuw vuur. Ook het gebruik van mobile in marketing heeft in 2011 een vlucht genomen.

Als overzicht van 2011 geven hierbij een overzicht van de belangrijkste blogs en discussies in 2011.

Native apps ten opzichte van HTML 5 apps

The fight gets technical: mobile apps vs. mobile sites

Moments in Needless Bi-Polarity: Apps vs the mobile web


Comet's Ryan Thomas on mobile commerce

Tomi Ahonen on why mobile marketers shouldn't obsess over apps

David Fieldhouse on mobile affiliate marketing

Q&A: Premier Inn's Steve Conway on mobile apps

Mobile marketing

Six tips for building a mobile email campaign

How many of the top 50 retailers are selling via mobile?

To QR or not QR

Can Blippar make QR codes redundant?

The pros and cons of QR codes

Eight creative uses of QR codes

The scramble for mobile payments

Mobile commerce best practice

Mobile commerce: 25 essential tips

What do users want from mobile commerce sites?

Catalogues and the iPad: ten best practices

How can retailers appeal to mobile users in store?

Is really the best mobile commerce website?

ASOS has the best mobile commerce site: study

Mobile: the worst channel for customer experience

Mobile in statistieken

19% of UK consumers have scanned a QR code: survey

Mobile commerce in the UK: stats round up

32% access e-commerce sites on mobile: report

UK retailers aren't ready for mobile commerce: survey

How Europeans are ‘media meshing’ with mobile internet

More companies are using mobile for customer engagement

10m UK consumers use mobile commerce

Firms struggle with mobile measurement: report

33% of smartphone users have made a purchase on mobile: survey


Infographic: the mobile ecosystem

10 mind-blowing mobile infographics

Mobile conversion rates lag behind tablets: infographic

Infographic: mobile email marketing

The rise of mobile marketing spend: infographic

Mobile site en app reviews

Eurostar launches mobile booking apps

How does the new Republic mobile site shape up?

AutoTrader: iPad app review

FCUK: iPhone app review

New Look launches mobile commerce site mobile site review

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