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Hoe gebruik je Google Maps op je website?
Dated Monday September 30, 2013; comments

This tutorial explanes how to put a Google maps map on the contact page of your website.

Wat is conversie en waarom is dit een belangrijk?
Dated Sunday September 29, 2013; comments

You have a reasonable idea of how many new subscribers your blog of how many customers your web shop has on a weekly basis. If you use a statistic program, like Google Analytics, you also know how many visitors your website gets every week. Only a few percent of these visitors become subscribers or customers. This percentage is the conversion rate of your website.

Checklist voor het maken van een eigen website
Dated Monday September 9, 2013; comments

With all the online and offline tools available today, allmost everybody can create and launch a website. But creating and launching a website is not the same as havin succes with your website, what ever your goal may be. And because it so easy and quick to do, most people skip some crucial steps in making a success out of their efforts. The now following article is simply checklist you can print and use as guidiance when starting a new website:

Dated Monday September 9, 2013; comments

The usability of a website is a key component of the user experience of your website. Whether or not a visitor can easily find what he or she was looking for within a few seconds will make or break a website. When on the internet, people are impatient and used to easy navigation. And with a little help of Google, it is easier to look for your competitors then work their way through a slow or otherwise unusable website. Your website needs to be fast, easy and consistent!

Registreer je bedrijfsnaam op internet
Dated Monday September 2, 2013; comments

You probably are already aware that choosing a brand name for which the website address is still available has its benifits. After starting there business you have claimed the correspoding domain name.

Next to claiming your domain name, it is wise to claim your brand name on different social media channels. Even if you are not (yet) using these platforms, claiming your brand name prevents others from doing so.

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